
ROBAM nthuav tawm lub zog tom ntej-gen 30-nti R-MAX Series Touchless Range Hood

Panoramic 105-degree qhib lub kaum sab xis muab lub ntiaj teb qhib kab noj loj tshaj plaws
ORLANDO, FL - Tus thawj coj thoob ntiaj teb cov khoom siv hauv chav ua noj ROBAM qhia txog 30-nti R-MAX Series Touchless Range Hood, nrog rau qhov tshwj xeeb lub kaum sab xis tsim thiab panoramic 105-degree qhib lub kaum sab xis uas tsim lub ntiaj teb loj tshaj plaws hood qhib kab noj hniav kom tau txais kev pab ntau tshaj.Lub hood yog siv los ntawm ib tiam tom ntej, loj-diameter cyclone turbine thiab brushless, sib txawv-frequency motor nrog patented dual core technology rau sai tshem tawm fumes los ntawm high tshav kub ua noj thiab kib zaub mov.Nws elegant, dub tempered iav vaj huam sib luag muaj xws li ib tug teb kov screen interface thiab ib tug infrared sensor uas enables seamless lag luam nrog yoj tes.

"Ntxiv rau kev muab cov khoom kim heev zoo nkauj ntau tus tswv tsev tab tom nrhiav, 30-nti R-MAX Series Touchless Range Hood muab lub zog nqus zoo kawg nkaus kom ntes tau txawm tias cov pa taws ntau tshaj plaws," said Elvis Chen, ROBAM Regional Director."Los ntawm muab lub zog rau tib neeg los tswj lub hood nrog tsuas yog ib tug nthwv dej ntawm tes, peb zoo siab los pab lawv txaus siab rau cov txheej txheem ua noj dua los ntawm kev ua kom yooj yim tshem tawm cov roj residue, haus luam yeeb, chav thiab hnyav aromas."

R-MAX Series Range Hood nta peb qhov kev xaiv nrawm rau ntau yam kev xaiv lub zog nqus, suav nrog hom muaj zog turbo rau do-fried lauj kaub tais diav thiab lwm yam zaub mov kub kub.Cov kab noj hniav sab hauv yog tsim los ntawm 304 stainless hlau nrog nanoscale roj-dawb txheej uas ua kom huv si yam tsis tas yuav tsum tau ntxuav ntau.Nws qhov tshwj xeeb, stainless hlau mesh lim yog lub tshuab ntxuav tais diav muaj kev nyab xeeb thiab muaj peev xwm sib cais ntau dua 92% ntawm cov roj los ntawm cov pa taws thaum ua haujlwm.

Nta ntxiv

• Tej zaum yuav raug ntsia undercabinet los yog phab ntsa-mounted, kom ntxiv ntau yam kev zoo nkauj tsim

• Ua haujlwm ntsiag to, nruab nrab ntawm 45-67 decibels nyob ntawm qhov ceev
• Muaj peev xwm loj zawv zawg roj khob kom yooj yim ntxuav thiab tu • Zog txuag hluav taws xob, pom tsis pom lub teeb LED

Yog xav paub ntxiv txog ROBAM thiab nws cov khoom muab, mus saib

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30-nti R-MAX Series Touchless Range Hood muaj qhov zoo nkauj, sophisticated profile thiab ua haujlwm tsis muaj tes.

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30-nti R-MAX Series Touchless Range Hood muab lub ntiaj teb qhib kab noj hniav loj tshaj plaws, nrog lub kaum sab xis qhib 105-degree.

Hais txog ROBAM

Tsim muaj xyoo 1979, ROBAM paub thoob plaws ntiaj teb rau nws cov khoom siv hauv chav ua noj high-end thiab qib # 1 hauv kev muag khoom thoob ntiaj teb rau ob qho tib si hauv cooktops thiab ntau lub hoods.Los ntawm kev sib koom ua ke ntawm lub xeev-of-the-art Field-Oriented Control (FOC) thev naus laus zis thiab kev xaiv tswj tsis tau txhais tes, kom ua kom muaj kev zoo nkauj tshiab rau chav ua noj uas tsis tuav rov qab rau kev ua haujlwm, ROBAM cov chav ua haujlwm ntawm cov khoom siv hauv chav ua noj muaj. lub zoo meej ua ke ntawm lub hwj chim thiab koob meej.Yog xav paub ntxiv, mus saib

Post lub sij hawm: Feb-26-2022

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